TV Tray Collaboration

First Live Interview W/Brenda Schweder Jewelry :)There are ways that Brenda and I are similar in our work and ways that we are not. The piece I made for the TV Tray Collaboration was a bit of both of us. I tried to channel Brenda’s boldness and freedom and spirit to make something bigusing my style of little “bits” and a story.After watching the interview I felt like I wanted to fill in some blanks. When it comes to connecting “bits”, I do whatever works! Sewing, riveting, gluing, soldering…whatever is called for in the moment. Learning to solder came later in my...

This is how I create…rearranging “bits” until they fall together. Kind of like arranging things on your desk until it feels right. (Thanks for the tip, Sister)

I like a deadline. I am so much more motivated when there’s an endgame…an art show, an order to fill, an appointment to get to. These are my most productive times.Otherwise I tend walk in circles overwhelmed by the choices I have and then the day is gone and all that got done was walking in circles.Here is how I have learned to deal with these days: I pick one of the many things in my head and tell myself to do that one thing for one hour. At the end of the hour I decide if I will keep...
In today’s world, I am told I need a brand. Sigh. How do you put all these thoughts into one brand?Earth friendly, norm/not norm (chakras), open minded, belief in self, search for Spirit, where the mystical/magical/fiction meets the real/science/nonfiction. Where belief/dreams becomes reality. Courage Acceptance Unity. Belief in something bigger than self. Kindness. Seeing potential in the everyday life. Taking every day objects and seeing/giving them in a new light/life. Making something of nothing. Gestaldt: The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Recycle, repurpose, upcycle. I guess you do it the way you eat an bite...
Finally a Name!

Anyone who knows me is breathing a sigh of relief that I have finally landed on a name and logo for the business. I enjoy exploring words and fonts and logos and colors that so much sometimes I think I’m in the wrong creative field! And then there is the vulnerability. Laying yourself all out there, being good enough. Which is pretty much what I already do with my jewelry…splay my heart open…just maybe not so obviously. I would have liked to use my name or initials but my first name has an unusual spelling and everyone thinks my last...